Does Suffolk County Have Access a Ride?

Do you have a disability and need to travel in Suffolk County? If so, you may be eligible for the Suffolk County Accessible Paratransit (SCAT) service. This curbside to sidewalk transportation has been providing safe and reliable rides since 1994. To make a travel reservation, call the SCAT operator at (63) 738-1150 (voice) or (63) 981-0104 (TTY). Passengers have the right to travel on a first-come, first-served basis. All Suffolk County Transit and Nassau Inter-County Express buses are wheelchair accessible, with elevators for boarding and two open spaces for wheelchairs to be secured.

The SCAT is designed to increase mobility in Suffolk County, but if you meet the requirements in your hometown, you can also use Long Island services. If you have a disability and need to travel in Suffolk County, the SCAT is an excellent option. To make a reservation, call the SCAT operator at the numbers provided above.

Jonathan Souder
Jonathan Souder

Avid coffee advocate. Lifelong pop culture ninja. Typical tv buff. Typical travel lover. Amateur internet evangelist.